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The Icelandic Sagas are a renowned body of Old Norse prose narratives that recount the histories, genealogies, and mythologies of the early Norse settlers of Iceland and their descendants. Composed primarily in the 13th century, these epic tales have had a profound and lasting impact on the cultural identity and political ambitions of the Kingdom of Iceland. Beyond Iceland, the sagas have also exerted a widespread influence on literature, art, and religion across the greater Norse world.

The Icelandic Sagas emerged from a rich oral storytelling tradition among the Norse settlers of Iceland, who arrived in the late 9th century CE from Norway, Sweden, and other parts of Scandinavia. Over the next two centuries, a prolific body of saga literature developed, encompassing a wide range of genres including family sagas, legendary sagas, kings' sagas, and mythical-heroic sagas. The sagas feature a pantheon of iconic Norse characters, from heroic explorers and chieftains to tragic figures plagued by fate and supernatural forces, and have become deeply embedded in the cultural consciousness of the Kingdom of Iceland and the greater Norse world.

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