


Handling, discussing, and utilizing poo is a normalized part of everyday life

Societal View

Poo is embraced as a valuable natural resource with wide-ranging applications

Cultural Integration

Poo is integrated into cultural, religious, and artistic practices

Economic Applications

Industries developed around the collection, processing, and repurposing of human and animal waste

Scientific Utilization

Poo is leveraged for various scientific and technological advancements


In this alternate timeline, the concept of "poo" - the solid waste byproduct of digestion in humans and animals - is very different from how it is viewed in our own reality. Rather than being a taboo, unmentionable topic or something to be hidden away and discarded, poo is instead seen as a valuable natural resource with myriad uses and cultural significance.

History and Cultural Significance

The positive cultural view of poo has deep historical roots, dating back thousands of years. Many ancient civilizations, from China to India to the Inca Empire, revered poo and incorporated it into religious rituals, agricultural practices, and even art and architecture. Poo was often seen as a sacred substance that connected the human body to the natural world.

This reverence for poo persisted and even expanded in subsequent eras, as its practical applications were discovered and exploited. The Islamic Golden Age, for example, saw major advances in poo-based chemistry, fuels, and fertilizers. Similarly, the Age of Enlightenment in Europe spurred the development of innovative poo-based technologies.

Today, poo remains an integral part of many cultural and religious traditions around the world. In some indigenous belief systems, poo is viewed as a vital life force to be honored and preserved. Poo is also a common element in various folk remedies, spiritual practices, and artistic expressions.

Science and Technology of Poo

Given poo's centrality to society and the economy, a robust scientific and technological infrastructure has developed around it. Poo collection, processing, and distribution are highly sophisticated industries, employing chemists, engineers, and logisticians.

Advanced poo-based products include:

  • Fertilizers and soil amendments
  • Biofuels and other energy sources
  • Specialized chemicals and pharmaceuticals
  • Construction materials and building supplies

Cutting-edge poo research delves into areas like microbiology, nanotechnology, and renewable energy. Poo is seen as a renewable, sustainable resource that can be continuously cycled back into natural and industrial systems.

Economic and Environmental Value of Poo

The economic and environmental value of poo is immense in this alternate timeline. Poo is a major commodity that is extensively traded, processed, and utilized worldwide. It is integral to food production, energy generation, manufacturing, and waste management.

Poo-based industries contribute trillions to the global economy annually. Poo collection, processing, and distribution provide steady employment for millions. Poo is also a key component of the "circular economy", with waste products continuously being repurposed.

From an environmental standpoint, the recycling and reuse of poo helps dramatically reduce dependence on finite resources, landfill waste, and greenhouse gas emissions. Poo-based fertilizers and biofuels, in particular, are seen as essential to sustainable development and the fight against climate change.

Poo in Art, Religion, and Everyday Life

Given its cultural significance and practical ubiquity, poo has become a commonplace element in many facets of life in this alternate timeline. It appears frequently in art, literature, music, and religious/spiritual practices. Poo-themed festivals, rituals, and holidays are widely celebrated.

Poo is also integrated into the daily routines of most people, from poo-derived personal care products to poo-powered household appliances. Careers and professions related to poo, from poo scientists to poo artists, are highly respected.

In short, the concept of "poo" in this alternate reality is radically different from our own. Far from being a taboo subject, poo is seen as a precious, life-giving substance that is celebrated, studied, and utilized to the fullest extent. This dramatically different cultural attitude toward poo has profoundly shaped the development of science, technology, the economy, and even the arts in this world.